Sunday, 9 April 2017

Oliver's 18 Month Update!

Hello Everybody! So it's time for Oliver's 18 month update! How is he 18 months already?! Literally where has that time gone! 
Well firstly we'll start with his height and weight, I have been a slightly naughty mummy and he's not been weigh since Christmas (Ooops!) or has he been measured height wise for a while! I really must put that on my to do list! But he is definitely growing well, he's never really been a chubby boy but he is definitely lanky just like his daddy! 
Routine is getting better day by day, if we're lucky we manage to get him to have a nap after lunch which at the moment has been ranging from anywhere from an hour to two! He has a bath near enough everyday as part of his bedtime routine to help him relax he'll then go down to bed at about 7 - 7.30 and we're managing anywhere between a 5 - 7.30 wake up which has been a huge improvement, I do think that Ollie starting to walk properly has been tiring him out more. 
Eating and Drinking we're quite lucky that Ollie isn't really a fussy eater he does get a bit fussy when he's teething and doesn't tend to eat much when he's cutting teeth, drinks wise we've managed to cut down to one bottle of milk for bedtime and he no longer has the dummy he's not had a dummy for about 10 months now if I'm honest. 
Teething! Where do I start?! Its all that seems to be going on at the minute! We've finally cut those pesky molars on the plus side though! We don't really give him anything when he's teething aside from calpol because of him being  lactose intolerant a lot of the teething products contain lactose.
Walking he doesn't stop when we're at home he tears about the house like roadrunner! He's not quite confident enough for walking outside at the moment, we've brought him one of those little life dinosaur backpacks with the detachable reins. We have tried taking him out around our road and up to the playing field up by our house but we only seem to get a few steps before he sits down and he tries to crawl haha! 
Oliver's speaking is coming along great as well, he seems to be coming out with new words more and more and often amazes me with what he comes out with. He's getting really good at communicating with us when he wants some things he'll pick up what he wants whether its a toy he wants us to play with him with, a DVD he wants us to put on for him or a book he wants to read and says "This" and waves it at us! 
I hope you've enjoyed Oliver's 18 month update and I'l be back soon guys!

Love Amy 

Luna's 10 Month Update

So we've come to that time again where I'm writing another update for out little Luna Bug! She's 10 months already and I'm...