Thursday, 25 January 2018

I don't quite get how I'm writing this but this is my 26/27 week pregnancy update! I've decided to combine the two because the last couple of weeks have been a bit of a blur and I'm just so exhausted all the time. I literally can't quite believe that we're not that far off from single digits. I also don't think the possibility of us meeting this little lady any sooner than her due date has sunk in either. I am so very excited but also nervous and I still have no clue how she's actually going to be entering the world yet either and I won't know for a few more weeks yet. I'm hoping my placenta has shifted a bit so I'll be able to have her naturally, I'm not so scared about the actual procedure as I've had loads of surgery before for ongoing issues I have with my stomach anyway, I'm just more worried about the recovery process and being able to cope with both little ones once Ben goes back to work after she's born. 
This week I have been an absolute emotional wreck mainly because we've been looking at Pre-Schools for Oliver to start in the next few weeks, I know deep in my heart that it's going to be amazing for him and his development and also will mean I'll have a few hours in the day where he'll be out to get things in check during the last few weeks of this pregnancy and be able to get a tiny bit of rest but he's still my baby and it terrifies me that he's growing up so quickly but I'll go into that in a separate post maybe just after this one has gone up. 
This week I've also had a really achy crotch for some unknown reason! I don't know why I don't think it's anything to do with Braxton Hicks it just aches in general. I'm just worried its a sign of her trying to come early. I know it probably isn't but I am a terrible over thinker at the best of times.
I'm still getting sickness and nausea on and off throughout the day and if I'm lucky I'll have a day or 2 throughout the week where I won't be sick. I have my GTT next week and I'm absolutely dreading it if I'm honest as I'm still being so sick and I've been to the doctor's about it but I don't feel like I'm doing taken seriously. I also have the consultant and a growth scan next week as well which I'm looking forward to seeing this little lady again so next week is probably going to be quite a bit update! I'm feeling in a much better heaspace this week Ben has just been such a rock and listened to me vent and have a good cry. 
I don't really have much else to say really so I think I'll leave you all with a picture of my bump and I shall see you in my next update! 

Saturday, 20 January 2018

Oliver's 2 Year Update

So we're a little bit late to the party shall we say. We're almost 4 months into Oliver being 2, so we're pretty much doing a 2 and half year update. Where do I begin!

I don't have any of his weight and height stats because he hasn't been weighed for while. He's currently in size 2-3 year clothing mainly because of his height, he still fits into a few of his 18 – 24 months clothes, he's not grown of them weight wise its mainly height and length wise you can see that things like jeans still fit perfectly around his waist but they bite at his ankles, its the same with tops and jumpers ect they fit perfectly around his belly and shoulders but are too short in the arm whereas the bigger size looks baggy but fit perfectly length-wise.

Development wise I think he's doing incredibly well. He talks and has a wide range of vocabulary. He strings words together but only 2 or 3 at a time so we're currently working on that with him. Motor skill wise he's doing brilliantly he can hold a pen, pencil or crayon perfectly and draw (my living room walls are proof of that one!), he is able to use a fork ad spoon effectively we're working on him being able to use a knife. He enjoys using the tool kit he received as a gift for Christmas to repair his cars and other toys. He is also able to get press all the small buttons on his toys and find the switches to turn them on and off. He also enjoys doing the same with the light switches the cheeky devil! He can currently count to 3, he also seems to have a thing for colour yellow I don't know why (probably because its the colour of Rubble from the paw patrol!) He's able to jump especially when it comes to lovely big muddy puddles! He's also good at throwing and will climb absolutely anything and everything if we let him! We've got his developmental review at the end of the month so we shall see how he gets on then too. 

We have a routine that we try to stick to as much as we can, some days we stick to it, other days it goes completely out the window. Oliver tends to wake up around 6.30/7am most days. He no longer naps anymore only occasionally napping in the car or buggy if we're out. It's just something he's cut out himself, some days he's okay and other days we get to just before teatime and he's got a massive grump on because he's tired. He then has dinner about 5/5.30 has a bath and then we settle him down to bed about 6.30. He still has a bottle of milk that for bed that we put him to bed with and he'll often only drink half of it before falling asleep. Sometimes he'll wake up in the night and sometimes he doesn't.

He's completely obsessed with Paw Patrol, Fireman Sam and Bing at the moment, he's at that stage where if we watch anything especially Fireman Sam he grabs his fire truck climbs up on to me or Ben at that's where he stays.

He's definitely in the terrible two's giving us attitude, he knows what he wants and knows how to get it the cheeky devil. He's incredibly stubborn sometimes but then that's what you get when me and Ben are his parents. When he's not being all of the above he's loving kind caring and especially loves pulling up my top to kiss my belly where his little sister is nestled up at the moment. 
We've got his 2 year check at the end of the month, so we shall see how he gets on with that and if there's any more to update you on. 

Tuesday, 16 January 2018

24 Week Pregnancy Update

This week is a pretty big one! We've reached viability which means if baby girl was to be born now she'd have a chance at survival. Given how I've felt recently in regards to all the anxiety I've had surrounding this pregnancy and I've been in a massive battle with my head and convinced myself that for some reason we're not going to be coming home with her, this week has been a big one for me because I know she'll have a chance. 
This week I've still not really seen an improvement in how I've felt sickness and nausea wise. On the plus side I've gained no actually weight (yet!) We're also getting to a point in a sort of routine with her kicking (and punching!) she especially loves to kick me in the middle of the night when I've just got comfy again the little madam! I've also still got the most awful back, hip and leg ache when I try and do too much during the day or if I've been on my feet most of the day.
We've also finished getting all the big buys we need for her the most recent being her new travel system. We decided on the iCandy Strawberry 2 in Smoothie, its such a gorgeous colour its almost a dusty rose colour and not too pink. We've not put in together yet as we don't have the space to store it at the moment until I've finished clearing our home out but once we do I may do a couple of reviews on it, I'll probably do a first impressions then a review when she's actually here and we've properly used it. 
I think that's everything for this week. I hope you've enjoyed my my update and I shall see you all in my next update. 

Monday, 15 January 2018

23 Week Pregnancy Update

Hello Everyone this is my 23 week pregnancy update!
This week has been a pretty quiet week this week in regards to anything new!
I am still being and feeling incredibly sick but just seem to keep being fobbed off by my doctor, so I've been pretty much left to it and I'm just trying to deal with it. 
I also believe I'm growing a future Olympian by the way she kicks and flips and prods at me. I'm still suffering with terrible back ache, its worse after a long day where I've been on my feet loads so I seem to be jumping in the bath with some bath salts and relaxing for ages once Oliver goes to bed of an evening. Oliver is really embracing that he's going to be having a little sister too, he still enjoys pulling my top up and keeps trying to say her name but can't so she LuLu at the moment and it makes my heart all warm and fuzzy and a tiny bit weepy. I know he's going to be a great big brother he does have his moments but he's so loving. 
I think that all I have to say really so I'm just going to leave you with a bump picture and I shall be back next week for a new update!

Wednesday, 3 January 2018

22 Week Pregnancy Update!

This week has been a bit all over the place! 
I had another scan this week because we couldn't get all the measurement that were needed for my anomaly scan as baby girl was being stubborn (just like her brother!) my placenta has moved but only slightly so I'm being scanned again at 34 weeks which then the decision will be made to whether I need a c-section or not. I've been getting worked up about the whole thing but the more I've thought about it the more I've become more accepting to it. As long as our baby girl gets here safe and sound then it doesn't matter how she get here! 
This little lady is also a major wriggler she just doesn't stop! I feel like I'm growing a  gymnast in there at the moment! She's also weighing in at around a 1lb based off of
her measurements that were taken at the scan. 
I'm also still being really sick at the moment as well and everything still also heaving at some certain smells and I think I'm only eating at the moment because I have to. I've also been suffering with a UTI this week which as been dreadful and really knocked me about. I've also had the appearance of the much dreaded back and hip ache which I had with Ollie. I also think that waddle has begun Ben pointed that out to me the other day and keeps singing the goose song to me from The Aristocats the git!

I think that is pretty much it for this week! Thank you for popping by and reading! 

Luna's 10 Month Update

So we've come to that time again where I'm writing another update for out little Luna Bug! She's 10 months already and I'm...