Wednesday, 27 December 2017

21 Weeks Pregnancy Update.

Hello everyone! Welcome back this is my week 21 pregnancy update. The last few weeks has been little bit rocky and emotional but I'll explain all that down below. 

How many weeks along are you?
21 weeks and 3 days. 

Due Date?
1st of May


How is baby doing? 
This little lady is doing great! I've been feeling her more and more as the weeks have gone on and its starting to feel like she's doing some kind of acrobatics in there at the moment! She's currently weighing at three quaters of a pound and is about 10 - 11 inches long which is about as big as carrot. We also recently had our 20 week scan recently and she refused to move over for the sonographer to measure her spine so I have to go back for another scan before I hit 23 weeks to check that all of that is doing good.

Weight Gain? 
I don't think that I've gained any weight as some days I can't bring myself to eat as I feel so nauseous and some days all I do is still vomit. 

I'm pretty sure that I've started getting braxton hicks as some nights I'll be all nice and relaxed on the sofa, in the bath or in bed and I'll get some pretty awful cramping which sometimes completely catches me off guard. I'm also so tired all the time at the moment I feel as if as soon as I drop off to sleep its time to get up and start all over again. 

This week has been pretty exciting because now we know what this little bean is we've been able to start shopping instead of just buying grey and white yippee! and it's pretty safe to say I've gone a little bit ott on stuff, especially in the January sales! Its also so exciting to be able to say I'm having a baby this year (eeek!)

Wednesday, 20 December 2017

A Letter to Our Baby Girl

Luna Jane, 
I've felt such a range of emotions finding out your a beautiful baby girl, I've caught myself filled with fear over your future what things may be like for you as you grow up. I worry that one day when your older you may find out that your body may not work as it should and you may be told that having a family of your own is not as easy as some people make it look. Being told you were a girl left me over joyed yet so guilty that I may have left you with the difficulties that we've felt in being able to have you and your brother. I promise you my sweet girl that my arms, my ears and most of all my heart will always be open for whenever you need it just like they are for your brother. 
Sometimes things will not go to plan or just won't work out how you hoped but I will always be there to pick up the pieces no matter what.
There will be times people who are not worth it make you cry, there will be times people will come into your life and then disappear but that's okay because those people are not worth it and people who are worth it and will stay by your side will come along.
When you entered our lives as that tiny pink line this year had been pretty awful at times and you brought to it a bright light, after the experience of loss I never thought in a millions years that I would be sat here with you nestled up all snug in my womb us patiently waiting your safe arrival next year. How we've longed to for you my sweet girl, how we've longed for Oliver to be able to have a sibling. He loves you so much already, just the other day he was lifting up my top at the garden centre so that you could see all pretty lights and the reindeer, and he'll very often grab his blanket and put it over my belly so that you can be nice and warm when its cold. I can imagine you both creating havoc next Christmas with you crawling around and trying to pull yourself up the tree and your brother handing you the decorations from where you can't reach and I can't wait. I can't wait to take you on your first holiday even though you'll only be a few weeks old I can't wait to share those precious memories with you and give you something to look back on when your older.   
I'm so very grateful that your tucked up in there all nice and warm my tummy holding you until we can hold you in our arms. Waiting for you seems like forever but I know our patience will pay off soon enough. Every week that passes is one more week until we get to meet you. Thank you for coming into our lives beautiful girl. I can't wait to watch you grow, watch you change and nurture you just like your brother. 
Always dream big sweetheart. Love you always.

Friday, 15 December 2017

I'm Back!

Hello everyone!
I'm back after a ridiculously long time away! This pregnancy has really taken it out of me if I'm totally honest so I thought I'd pop by with a little catch up now I'm feeling slightly better. Life in general has been pretty hectic with the come down from our wedding and slotting back into normal life and the rush around Christmas I didn't realise how annoyed I'd get with people around this time of year being pregnant. 
This pregnancy has been far from straight forward, I've bled on and off since about 10 weeks to which we had to have an emergency scan and a trip to EPU and was pretty convinced that we would receive awful news but everything was fine, We then had our 12 week scan and everything was perfect and I ended up being back on with my due date (Woo) I've had the most awful sickness and nausea that just seems to wipe me out leaving me feeling completely exhausted. I saw my consultant at 18 weeks and they found ketones in my urine which they think because of how sick I have been being they said my body isn't getting enough and has started breaking down fat to keep both me and baby going. More recently we've had our 20 week scan and found out we're hiding a beautiful baby girl, I do however need to be re-scanned between Christmas and New Year as they couldn't get a good measurement of baby girls spine. There are also some concerns about the position of my placenta as its almost but not quite covering my cervix so I'm having that checked again after Christmas and again at 34 weeks. 

I think I've pretty much covered everything that's been going on since I last updated you all. I'm to try and be a little bit better at uploading content I promise! I should hopefully be back on track with pregnancy updates this next week. 

Luna's 10 Month Update

So we've come to that time again where I'm writing another update for out little Luna Bug! She's 10 months already and I'm...