Wednesday, 27 December 2017

21 Weeks Pregnancy Update.

Hello everyone! Welcome back this is my week 21 pregnancy update. The last few weeks has been little bit rocky and emotional but I'll explain all that down below. 

How many weeks along are you?
21 weeks and 3 days. 

Due Date?
1st of May


How is baby doing? 
This little lady is doing great! I've been feeling her more and more as the weeks have gone on and its starting to feel like she's doing some kind of acrobatics in there at the moment! She's currently weighing at three quaters of a pound and is about 10 - 11 inches long which is about as big as carrot. We also recently had our 20 week scan recently and she refused to move over for the sonographer to measure her spine so I have to go back for another scan before I hit 23 weeks to check that all of that is doing good.

Weight Gain? 
I don't think that I've gained any weight as some days I can't bring myself to eat as I feel so nauseous and some days all I do is still vomit. 

I'm pretty sure that I've started getting braxton hicks as some nights I'll be all nice and relaxed on the sofa, in the bath or in bed and I'll get some pretty awful cramping which sometimes completely catches me off guard. I'm also so tired all the time at the moment I feel as if as soon as I drop off to sleep its time to get up and start all over again. 

This week has been pretty exciting because now we know what this little bean is we've been able to start shopping instead of just buying grey and white yippee! and it's pretty safe to say I've gone a little bit ott on stuff, especially in the January sales! Its also so exciting to be able to say I'm having a baby this year (eeek!)

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