This month saw us literally rocket through Luna's first month and when I say rocket I really do mean it!
Our full photo this month is the morning we took our first family holiday its not the best but its filled with so much love and excitement. Ben and I are exhausted because isn't everyone when you have a newborn and a toddler and Oliver isn't even looking at the camera but instead looking at his sister with so much love but I don't care that it doesn't look perfect it captures our family how it is tired but filled with love.
We also had our first family holiday as a family of 4 this month and it wasn't as awful and stressful as I thought it would be. We jollied off to Butlins Minehead this month for a just for tots break and whilst Luna had absolutely no clue what was happening, Oliver had an absolute whale of a time, he had his first proper experience of sand and thought that it would be hilarious to sit in the wet sand at the bottom of the beach. He repeatedly rode the same rides and had a few tantrums because he had to get off and let other children have a go but other than that it was wonderful to see him so so happy and just loving life.
This month also saw Ben leave us and go back to work after having 5 weeks. He started his time off a 3 and ended it as 4 and it has been a massive adjustment not just for me and getting into that routine with both babies, but also for him not being with us 24/7 and being away from us for several hours a day and Oliver has had to adjust to daddy not being here all the time.
I hope you've enjoyed my first month taking part in the me and mine project and I'm looking forward to taking part every month from now on!

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