Thursday 19 January 2017

Catch Up! Oliver Update!

So I've been missing again seems to be a recurring theme here of life and just everything getting in the way! So I thought we could have a little catch up, so first things first I've changed my platform from wordpress to here! I'm hoping to maybe reach out to people a little bit more by changing up my platform. 

Oliver is absolutely thriving he's now 15 months I mean where has that gone doesn't seem like 5 minutes since we found out we were expecting him.
Development wise he still isn't walking independently he stands by himself but he isn't quite confident about walking on his own - he walks amazing aided and literally runs around holding the furniture so I can only imagine what he's going to be like once he starts walking. His speech is coming along great too he seems to come out with saying something that we've never heard him say every day! His favourite words seem to be Daddy, Daisy (his nanny and grandad's dog) and the typical toddler word no! He seems to say no to just about anything and everything. 
Sleep - isn't brilliant we seem to be going through a major sleep regression patch as well as him cutting teeth again, getting him to sleep is fine! but getting him to stay asleep and in his own bed is proving to be a major problem. He usually goes down to bed with a bottle about 7 but we're only managing to get him to stay asleep until about 11/12 o'clock and then he's wide awake and ready to play! We never really wanted to co-sleep with him but it definitely headed that way and the only way he seems to go back to sleep is if he's in our bed with us and then moved once he goes back to sleep, 
Teeth - He's now got 7 and is currently cutting some nasty molars at the moment which have lead to a very grumpy dribbley little boy! 
Oliver last time he was weighed which was about 3 weeks ago weighs 22lbs 11oz. Clothing wise he's in 12 - 18 months but some clothes we buy for him depending where there from seem to be absolutely huge and other places mainly Primark seem to a little small! and he's in a size 3 shoe.
Lactose Intolerance -  Oliver is still lactose intolerant and we've not got very far in trying him on milk products the highest we managed to get up the chart is to malted milk biscuits which is the first step on the chart we have to follow, but we're following the advice of the dietitian and taking a break for a few weeks before trying again to see if his tolerance has changed at all. 

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