Tuesday 29 May 2018

Hello everyone I thought that in this post I would do a how to entertain a toddler on a long car journey. We've just come back from Butlins in Minehead which is a two hour car journey for us which for Oliver who is two and half can be quite long and boring so we've obviously had to keep him entertained for the whole time and try to avoid any kind of meltdown. I'm hoping this will be helpful to any other parents with children of similar age when travelling on long car journeys! Let crack on then shall we! 

1. Snacks and Drinks! 
Snacks and Drinks are a must for any car journey especially with a 2 year old. You know how cranky then can get if they go too long with out food or drink and you don't really want to end up stopping off at the service stations and spending extortionate amounts of money on food and drink so I made sure to pack some of Oliver's favourites in his bag for this trip I packed some of the Bear YoYo fruity wind up snacks and some of the Fruit Bowl Strawberry Fruity Bars, 2 of Oliver's firm favourites! I also made sure to fill up a couple of Oliver's drinks bottles with his favourite juice for the journey. 

2. BBC Kids iPlayer App
I recently downloading this to my iPhone after it was recommended by a few people on one of the mum's advice and support groups I'm part of, which is fab as Cbeebies has so many shows that Oliver loves to watch like Bing, Octonauts, RaRa the noisy Lion and Hey Duggee (I on purpose avoided the stick episode mind you! hehe) 

I also made sure to pop a couple of Oliver's favourite toys in the bag that I had in the back of the car, I think we ended up packing Hoppity Voosh and Bing as he really loves those too. He in the end fell asleep for a good hour of our journey cuddling those two. 

4. Regular Stops 
We also made sure to stop at least once on the journey so he could get out stretch his legs and have little run around the service station, we also used this opportunity to change nappies and Luna also had a bottle. 

I hope you've enjoyed my quickfire tips on how to survive a log car journey with a toddler and I hope that those of you who are about to brave your own long journey with children have found this helpful! 

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